You can choose to pay in advance, if you place an order with this option you will receive an order confirmation in an e-mail which also contains the payment details. Your order will be processed as soon as the order amount quoting the payment reference is received in our bank account the goods are sent.
Name :Van Damme Lucien
Iban: BE24-7370-1552-9238
You can pay with Mister cash / bancontact as well as most major credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and Ideal.
It is also possible to pay with some wallet services such as PayPal and Payesafe card.
In connection with transaction costs that charge credit cards and wallet services, we ask a small contribution of 3% of the total amount including transport costs.
You can also choose to pick up your order at our store, in which case you pay on the spot.
Simple and easy!